Monday, October 11, 2010

Holy ptthhhhbt Has it Really Been a Month Since I Blogged?!?

It's been a fast month and a challenging one. Week before last I didn't exercise at all. I was physically exhausted, falling asleep before 9pm and not able to drag myself out of bed before 7am. I felt pretty bad about it until my sister said not to let it get me down that everyone, including herself, had to take a week off here or there. So I made my peace with it.

Then I rolled out of bed on the first Saturday this month and guess what? My back is out. It has been back and forth for the last week and a half, really bad at the beginning and end of the week and OK in the middle. Well, it's difficult at best to walk when every step hurts so I didn't. Plus I really need it to heal because guess what? I'm walking a 10K THIS weekend, not at the end of the month.

That's right 5 days from now. Zoinks! I am really feeling some pressure. I keep trying to tell myself that it will be OK and that I have 4 months of exercise under my belt but it's not so reassuring. I'll walk it and I'll finish it but I won't be fast.

Now you may be wondering why I am walking 2 weeks earlier well, that's a story within itself and I don't have enough time here on my lunch break to tell you about it so I'll have to put that on hold for a couple of days.

It'll be fine, think happy thoughts and...

Don't Pity the Fat Girl.