Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Stubborn Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

OK, so I am very excited! My darling husband went and told some kind folks about my little venture and I am soooooo happy to have read their comments. I even have a couple of followers. I just don't know what to think about that.

Thank you all.

Well, on to today. I have to tell you that this week has been a struggle, I hit a few bumps in the road you could say. These bumps tried to throw me off course and I'll admit that they made me swerve a bit but somehow I have managed to stay in control of the wheel.

Today I could not get myself in gear. I got up at 6:12 and thought, Hey I'm 3 minutes ahead of yesterday. Well apparently that was the go ahead to move like a slug. So out the door I go at 6:39, not enough time to do 2 miles at this point (it takes me about 34 minutes) as I have to be back by 7:00 to cool off and get ready for work. I briefly considered walking only a mile and then my brain woke up and I remembered I had a bike. I managed to do the whole 5K loop and get back just before 7:00. Yea!

I had to be creative this week and it worked out so now, I have a better plan in place for next week. No more of this getting up at 6:something, I will get up at 5:30 when my husband gets up. I can be out the door by 6:00 and will have an hour to workout. Also, I have been doing some reading this week and I am going to try some interval training too. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to run, not walk, that 10K. Well, the jury's still out on that one.

I have also been doing a lot more thinking about the whole proper diet thing too. I am going to take the weekend to get the kitchen set up with the right foods (and get rid of the wrong ones). I've decided to listen to the doc and go South Beach for 3 or 4 days to reset my insulin levels and get off of the sugar train. I am going to take the same attitude with which I have been approaching exercise and not allow myself to put harmful foods in my body while at work. It's going to be tricky. I can do it. Once I make up my mind, that's that. I just have to prevent anyone or anything from changing my mind...sometimes that is easier said than done.

So here we are with another revelation, diet must be part of the equation. OK, it's not a revelation, we've all been told that for years. But you see I have had this little quirk since I was a kid, I will not do something until I make up my mind to do it. All evidence would point to the fact that I still haven't outgrown this unfortunate trait. Hey, I'm only human. I have made up my mind and after all it's always our minds that stand in our way. If we allowed our bodies to make the food choices, they would choose the foods they needed. Our bodies are very complex with mechanisms built in to lead us to the right fuels. Our memories lead us to foods like birthday cake, cookies Mom baked and gave us piping hot and right out of the oven, pizza parties, I could go on. (Where did all that come from?) The point is, I am ready for this and I will do it.

This weekend I have some more biking/walking planned but nothing tomorrow, it's Friday, got to get up at 5:00 to be at work by 6:30. (In case I haven't mentioned, it takes me nearly 30 minutes to get to work.) Actually, I might get on the Wii Fit again after dinner. There it is, no excuses, nothing but the truth so...

Don't Pity the Fat Girl.


  1. I have a girlfriend who is neurotic about eating only what she has with her (not eating sugary treats, just because they're around). She ALWAYS has a little ziploc baggie with blueberries, or sliced oranges, or baby carrots in it. She carries that puppy in her jacket pocket (or her backpack) everywhere she goes. I used to think it was amusing (when you're young and don't have to worry about what you eat, it's easy to find healthy choices amusing), but now? Now I think she was a genius.

    Just somethin' you might wanna consider!

  2. My Wii Fit has new batteries. I even used it so you are a motivator. I lost 40 pounds last year, well actually the end of the year before and the beginning of last year but did nothing about getting in shape. I also borrowed my daughters Wii version of DDR (dance, dance revolution) and I love it. That is exercise I will do! South Beach for a few days is good but what I found worked the best was just eating the right foods, giving up the junk food and cleaning out the kitchen except for one small bag of chocolate which I allowed myself to eat one piece of everyday. I have a strange mind, it works best on rewards hence the chocolate. I'm so sore I may never move again so keep up the encouragement please.
