Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Little Rest, a Lesson Learned and a Little Less Bounce...

I took Friday off to give my muscles a chance to recover. I had intended to do some other sort of exercise in the evening but decided I could use a rest. Back at it this morning I logged another 2 miles bringing me to 8 miles so far this week. Unfortunately for me, I got started a little late this morning and paid the price for it.

I was very excited to try out a new piece of gear today, an Enell "no bounce" sports bra. I managed to get the 12 hooks connected (the fit is quite tight and there is a bit of mushing going on but I believe that's necessary to restrict the normal free range movement of my breasts) and decided that it needed a real test...jumping jacks. I have to say ladies, it worked brilliantly! I have VERY large breasts which, under the support of my old sports bra, would have very nearly broken my jaw. I mean these things can get to swinging and it IS painful. With this new bra, there was hardly any movement and absolutely no discomfort. I think I found a winner! I am confident that I can now take on jogging without damage to the twins.

Here in the Commonwealth, we seem to be stuck in a bit of an uncomfortable weather trend: high heat and higher humidity, a killer combo. Still on the recovery plan, I managed to sleep in until 8:30 today which means that I did not get outside until 9:00. A later start = a higher temperature. Anyone who has ever visited the southeast U.S. in the summer will understand this dilemma.

I was thrilled to have some company this morning, my husband. His presence was a welcome change and an incentive to push hard and do well. My day of rest seemed to have been quite beneficial as my joints moved without pain, my muscles felt stronger and my limbs felt lighter. The first 1/2 mile was about 15 seconds off pace, not uncommon and I usually can regain that in the next 1 1/2 miles. Today that would not be the case. The sun beat down on us relentlessly and the humidity made it a struggle to breathe easily. We finished 2 miles in 34:14 and I'm satisfied with that given the conditions.

Feeling good after the walk today, no doubt thanks to the recuperation time I gave my body, I am looking forward to my walk tomorrow. I will take on a 5K, nothing official, just a full loop around my course making sure to get started by 7:00. With a more agreeable temperature and boobs in check, I am confident that I can complete all 3.1 miles in less than 55 minutes. We'll just have to wait and see how it goes. Have faith and...

Don't Pity the Fat Girl.

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